It was a tremendous blessing for me and my life has been bettered to hear from some of the greatest seasoned preaching minds of our day, such as, Dr.L.K. Curry from Chicago and Dr. Wallace Hartsfield from Kansas City. The fellowship was rich among the clergy and I have met many new friends. I also had the pleasure to meet my blogging brother Pastor Tony Rhone in person. It was great to hear his voice instead of just reading his thoughts!
I was humbled and honored to be invited to preach at the Greater Mt. Olive Baptist Church, where Dr. A. Glynn Woodberry is the Sr. Pastor. I want to thank Pastor Ray Owens for opening this door! I'm eternally grateful to him. Greater Mt. Olive is a HOUSE!! I understand why some of the members call it the "Metro-plex". Not only does it have a state of the art sanctuary and plenty class space. It is equipped with a fellowship hall and a full gymnasium! Also located on the campus is a Senior Village, which consist of about 50 duplex units. Pastor Woodberry is doing a great work and Greater Mt. Olive Church serves as a testimony to what a pastor led people can accomplish!
I failed to mention, but did not want to overlook the tremendous preaching ability of Pastor Woodberry! He is truly one of the best and most gifted preachers that this country has to offer.
I am normally nervous about any preaching assignment, but this time, I was flat out scared! This past Lord's Day was Youth Sunday. G M O has a great youth choir under the direction of fellow blogger Rev. K.D. Moss. They sang beautifully, even though Rev. Moss tried to convince me that most of them were not there. i was shaking as I did not want to flop in front of God and this great sea of humanity. I know God would forgive me, but not sure about the others.
I preached a message from 1 Samuel 17:31-45, entitled, "How to Handle your Giants". This is a message I had preached before and it was the one I was directed to preach that day. Words cannot begin to describe how the preaching moment went! Like my son says, "IT WAS OFF THE HIZZLE FOR SHIZZLE MY NIZZLE" The people were both receptive and responsive to the preached Word and we all rejoiced at the close of the message as we remembered how God has moved some Giants out of our way!!! This was a preaching moment that will forever be etched on the walls of my mind! I want to thank Dr. Woodberry again for allowing me to come!
Now on this week, I will be going back and forth to Gary this week for their Simultaneous Revival. I cannot get enough good preaching! Also I want my blog family to be in prayer for my grandfather who is in the hospital. Gotta go, it's time for me to do what I do everyday and try and take over the world for Jesus Christ! Be Blessed.
Pastor it was truly an honor to have you here in OKC! I hear ya, but Mt. Olive is the better because you let God minister thru you. Doc, you shut the house down and I am just privileged to have you as a friend and a brother. I thank God for meeting your acquaintance. Hopefully, your stay here was a blessin. Keep running for Jesus
The Lord certainly knows how to arrange people and places for His purpose. Realizing how much our lives are similiar, I knew Mt. Olive's praising spirit and your preaching ability was a match ordained by God.
I thank God for Pastor Woodberry seeing fit to allow it to happen and for you accepting the invitation. You did more for by going than I can ever fully explain and I owe you big.
Thanks for being a brother,
Hey Spoon, the ground here is still it was great to see you and to meet you. I wish time would have allowed for us to fellowship some but just being in worship with you was great. I know the Mt. was blessed and I know it was a great experience for you. Mt.Olive is a great church.
Oh, the Pomengrantes are on the way to Indy....
Be Encouraged, Pastor.
Tony R.
I am so happy to learn of your experience and am certain you blessed OKC with your preaching prowess. Like I said before, if by chance you go next year, I will be right there even if it means being your armor bearer.
Your big brother is very proud of you. You are one of the best preachers in this country and you showed it by standing in one of the greatest pulpits in this country.
Great job as always boy.
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