Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Summary

What a day of worship this Lord's Day! I arrived back home yesterday from a wonderful Georgia trip extremely tired. I will admit early that I did not think that today was going to be a good day. It really started off rocky as I overslept for prayer meeting. I really don't like to miss prayer meeting. I pledged to myself that I would do better in the future!

When I arrived at church, I was greeted warmly by the saints at BBC! The saying is true, "There's no place like home!" I was happy to see my church family. Service started for me with a very lively devotion, which really set the tone for morning worship! The choir blessed us with beautiful songs of Zion, which continued to build the worship experience!

I was very excited about preaching in my pulpit on today! I couldn't wait to get back to our series. today we continued in James 1:26-27 ESV, which says, "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. The message was entitled, "Do you got good religion? Here's the basic outline:

Good Religion involves:

1. Dialogue (26)

2. Duty (27a)

3. Detachment (27b)

This message was well received by the congregation! Praise God for His Word! I really thank God for BBC! God has blessed me to pastor a great church with great people!

My day of public worship concluded with an evening service at the Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church here in our city, where the pastor is Rev. Larry W. Davidson. Pastor Davidson is a member at BBC, so I was happy to have been invited to share with him and his congregation. Greater Friendship is a wonderful church with a very powerful youth ministry. We were there to celebrate their Nurses Anniversary.

This was going to be my fifth sermon in as many days and I really didnt know how much I had left. The longer I'm in ministry, the more real the scripture becomes that says,"His strength is made perfect in my weakness". I wanted to encourage the nurses especially and the congregation to continue to serve in spite of obstacles that they may face. I preached a message from Hebrews 12:1-2, entitled, "Being committed to the cause" Here's the basic outline:

To be committed to the cause, you must:

1. Embrace your cross (2a)

2. Erase your contempt (2b)

3. Elevate your condition (2c)

God blessed the message and gave me power to preach it! This has been a great welcome home day for me. I was glad to see family, friends, and have an opportunity to fellowship. I'm exhausted and ready tp rest. Thank God for monday! Pray for me this week! God Bless!


Ronald said...

Praise God for all the lives He allows you to touch with your preaching prowess. You are truly gifted.

Keep preaching/teaching

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

You are a preaching machine my brother! Thanks for the masterful outlines and for your preaching prowess.

Pastor Rev. Ray E. Owens said...

Big Bro,

Listening to you preach Sunday, no one would have known you had just preached 4 times in 4 days with this being your 5th sermon. I received a relevant Word, great fellowship and I also learned about Ginger drops, Throat Coat and Sinus Tea. Bless you Bro. President.

Keep running,


Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Spoon let me be the first to welcome another brother to the ESV wing of biblical expositors. You are a valued addition and a great preacher/pastor. Wonderful post my brother.


Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

Great outline my Brother! God bless you!

Clinton Smith said...

What's going on among the brethren? You guys are preaching machines? Can I join the club.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Welcome home Doc Spoon. Glad I dropped by to see what's going on with the blog family. Sounds as though it DID turn out to be a good day after all. Glory to God. I'm happy the nurse's day went well for the "nurse" (for obvious reasons) is close to my heart. Take care.
