Saturday, September 20, 2008

Revival Night 3

What a week of revival! The Lord really blessed us this week at the Rock! I thank God for His sustaining grace. I am grateful to Pastor Lewis for allowing me to share with his congregation! I preached from Philippians 4:4-7. The Lord really blessed the exposition!

I am excited about this upcoming Sunday. This Sunday is our 2nd Annual Senior Day! This is a day where we honor our senior members. Everyone over 62, sits down on that day and just enjoys worship. Our special guest is Dr. William H. Foster from Chicago, affectionately known as "the Tree". He really blessed us on last year and I am looking forward to the same! After morning worship, we take our seniors to the fellowship hall and serve them dinner. We are blessed at BBC to have several members over 90! I call them our "Super Seniors" , they sit at the head table and I personally serve them.

This also serves as a break from preaching on this Sunday. I am looking forward to enjoying worship and being fed myself. As pastors, we pour out so much that often times we don't take the time to get fed ourselves. I had to realize that faith comes by me hearing as well, not just the people I serve. Pray for us that all goes well!!


Vietta P's two cents worth said...

I am grateful to the Lord that you were a blessing to Pastor Lewis and the New Peter's Rock Church family as well. Thank you for taking us bloggers along with you by way of sharing the experience each night.

I pray that your day tomorrow will be a blessed one. May you be nourished spiritually by the word of God as well as physically by breaking bread together as a church family.

Be blessed


There was a full-house and on Friday Night, old and young were present. You hit a Grand Slam; you are truly a Blessing to this community.

May GOD Bless you and yours!!!

Brother: Wilson

Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

I pray your revival was a great success for the Lord. I pray that God will continue to bless you and your church.

Jack Magruder said...

Soak it up, Rev! Hope you enjoyed just being able to recoup a bit after a week of "being poured out like a drink offering"! Let me know when you get time. Coffee! :- )
- samurai jack