Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits

This has been a tumultuous, turbulent, and tremendously trying Tuesday! I have been trying to prepare myself for revival this week and one frustrating circumstance after another keeps popping up. I am approaching my 2nd Year Appreciation and it seems like everything is unravelling at the seams!!

Personally, I had to realize that I am dealing with a lot of grief. It's approaching a year since my brother in law was senselessly murdered and 3 months since my only aunt passed away. I have to be honest, I miss them both beyond measure! However, I do thank God for giving me strong support systems such as family, friends, and this fraternity to help me deal with this difficult transition.

As far as the church goes, well Pastor's you understand (you to Momma V!)!! Sometimes I really wonder what are we doing in church. There are so many in the body, including pastors that have been wounded and almost killed by "friendly fire"! We spend so much effort and energy evangelizing those within that we cannot equip, edify, or encourage those on the outside, and as a result one can become exhausted!

In spite of it all, I thank God for counting me faithful and allowing me the privilege to pastor His people! Pray for me. I must echo the sentiments of one of our fellow bloggers, "Some days I may rant, some days I may rave, but everyday I will rejoice!!


Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

Dr. Spoon, you know that I totally understand what you are dealing with, but one thing I do know, God has equipped you for such a time as this. You are indeed the right man to straighten out the ship of your church and I am waiting to see God do what he's gonna do with and through you. Stay up boy, pay day is coming real soon.


Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

My Brother,

My heart goes out to you and my prayers go up for you during this tumultuous season in your life and ministry. Anyone who knows you can appreciate how precious family is to you. May the comfort of God's presence sustain and strengthen you. If you need me, you know what to do.

Pastor Kelly B. Williams Sr. said...

Hey Spoon,
Know that prayer is going up for you back home. My sister-in-law told me that she saw you at the Convention. You take a break if you need one man. The world and your people need you around as long as possible. Be Encouraged!!!

Clinton Smith said...

I'm praying for you brother. It's hard to minister to others when you need ministering too. But God has a way of using our sermons to minister to us during difficult time like these. It's revival time! Preach your through it and I'll pray you through it. We got you!

Rev. Brad Hurley said...

God Bless you my brother and my friend. Even though I haven't personally met you, I feel that we have become personal friends. I am very sorry for your loss. I too have lost my brother in law Jan of this year. In a motorcycle accident, this was my wifes only family other than her mother. It still bothers me because he had such a strong personalty, that I see him in everything, and everything I do. And my wife and her mom still, have moments where they cry, and It hurts me because they are hurting.
From what I know of you, you are a awesome man of God. God never leaves us nor forsakes us. And he knows what you are feeling right now. And he says he will not give you more than you can handle. Continue to preach the Gospel of Love for them. This is what I do, and it keeps me strong. Because I know that my brother inlaw is in heaven and he is rooting me on.
God Bless you brother I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Pastor. I have been fasting and praying for you all week. I don't know the pain of losing someone so close to me, but I do know the pain of having to try and preach through a time of struggle. I would love to be able to say something biblical right here, but I can't. I remember reading a book called, "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world." In it the author stated that life is like a see-saw. Sometimes the spiritual sided is up and some times the family side is up. Remember, no matter which side is dominate today God is still in control. I will continue to pray for you and your family. As far as the church goes, remember you can't neglect the sheep for the goats. Love you brother.


Stay Encouraged!!!
Because He Lives

GSJ: Member

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

As I read along my Mother's heart kicked into gear. Wish I could make it all go away. That you would have all sunshiny days and help heal the hurt with a kiss to your injury. We know that we need life giving rain as well as the sunshine. Although painful this will serve to nourish you in ways you will come to realize when you have to rise to an even more challenging spiritual occasion. Only God knows when or where. I often refer to Pastor Kraig's words "this is just a shift in the wind" to strengthen you for greater service. So, hold on until your change comes. You will come out as pure gold with greater preaching power. I will certainly be in prayer for you.


Pastor Kevin Lanier Pullam said...

"Be not deceived, God is not mocked..." I encourage you that your time of reaping has yet to be fully realized. I can imagine how difficult it has been to manage the personal losses while still "overseeing" God's flock. But we know, and are confident, that God will provide.


Jack Magruder said...

Love you, Rev! Hang tough, and know that (as illustrated by so many of the other pastors who have commented here) that there are so many of us who are standing beside you! -samurai jack